Recently, while perusing ARCHAIC EGYPT by W. B. Emery (a Pelican Book), I was struck by his drawings (page 173) of the purely decorative art of the Egyptian Archaic Period, First and Second Dynasties, approximately c. 3100 - 2685 BC. On the top of the page he shows six tiles with their color code and I wondered what they would look like in color and tiled. So, of course, I just had to do them and see. Now the trick is to imagine them on the side of a wall or a building!
If anyone would like to use them for any reason, please feel free to help yourself. samm
 Walter Bryan Emery (1903-1971) British Egyptologist |
In 1923, after his studies in Liverpool, Emery went to Egypt to help with the excavations at Amarna (The site of ancient Akhetaton, founded by Akhenaten in Middle Egypt). He then became director of fieldwork at Luxor and Armant. During 1935 - 1939 he was the director of the Archaeological Survey of Nubia working at Quban, Ballana and Qustul. While director of excavations at Saqqara, 1935-1939, Emery investigated the early dynastic tombs. After the war Emery worked in the Sudan (Buhen, Qasr Ibrim). In 1964 he returned to Saqqara where he found the enclosure of the sacred animals. Emery was a professor of Egyptology in London from 1951-1970. He was elected to the British Academy Fellowship in 1959. His principal publications are: Great tombs of the 1st dynasty, (3 vols) 1949-58; Archaic Egypt, 1961; Egypt in Nubia, 1965. |
*Click on the art to see each one tiled. F11 will show them full screen.*
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