I now list my ancient, medieval and Chinese coins in my vcoins store. I also include a reference section on this website with various information on ancient coins. Canadian and modern world listings remain on this website. The links below will take you directly to the various sections of this website.:

Ancient, Medieval, Chinese coins (VCOINS)

Canadian coins Introduction

Canadian 1 cents
Canadian 5 cents
Canadian 10 cents
Canadian 25 cents
Canadian 50 cents
Canadian 1 and 2 dollars
Newfoundland and Maritime Provinces
Breton and Merchant tokens

All World Coins, A to Z
Country list

World coins, A to C
World coins, D to F
World coins, G to H
World coins, I to K
World coins, L to M
World coins, N to O
World coins, P to S
World coins, T to Z

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