Lycian Dynasts (?). 6th century BC.
Silver stater. Possibly unpublished.
Denomination: Silver Stater.
Date: Uncertain, but related coins in SNG
Aulock are usually dated between 520 and 480 BC. The style
suggest to
me it is at the beginning of that period, and I would not be surprised
if it were slightly earlier.
Reference: As far as we can determine,
this exact type has never been published.
Size: 15.3 x 19.3 mm (and 6.2 mm thick). Weight:
8.93 grams.
Grade: gVF
Obverse: Boar's head right, with pellets behind.
Reverse: Four part square, with a series of dot's
geometric patters in it, although if you look at it from the right
angle the pattern could represent a duck's head amongst some marsh
plants (I have oriented the image so that could be more apparent).
The attribution of this coin to the early Lycian Dynasts is not
certain but probable. Their coins normally have the forepart of a
Boar, including the forelegs, while this coin shows only a boar's head,
however the general style is early Lycian. There is a Lycian 1/3
silver stater (see Sear-3581) that also shows a boar's head
without the
# 2735

Amisos in Pontus.
Late 2nd to early 1st century BC. AE 21. Mithradatic War period.
Denomination: 21 mm bronze.
Date: late 2nd to early 1st century BC.
Size: 20.2 x 21.6 mm. Weight:
6.54 grams.
Reference: Sear Greek - 3642.
Grade: Good Fine, although technically VF with a
weak strike
in the center. Dark brown patina with some brassy metal showing
on the
high points. What look like scratches around the top of the
are the remains of file marks from when the flan was filed flat
striking, and are a fairly normal feature on these coins.
Obverse: Aegis with a Gorgon's head in the center.
Reverse: Nike walking right, holding a palm
branch, with AMI SOU across,
and two Greek letter monograms by the legs.
# 4645

Rhodos. ca. 304 to 275 BC. Silver didrachm.
Denomination: Silver didrachm
Reference: SNG-Keckman 454 to 455. Sear-5039
variety. Ashton 158.
Size: 18.3 x 18.9 mm. Weight: 6.69
Grade: VF
Obverse: Three quarter facing bust of Helios.
Reverse: Rose with a bud to the right, with RODION above, but the first part is off
the flan.
# 3873

in Caria. 390 to 330 BC. Silver diobol.
Denomination: Silver diobol (Sear lists these as
hemidrachm, but the weight is consistent with diobols).
Date: 390 to 330 BC.
Size: 11.2 x 13.0 mm Weight: 1.19
grams. This is a fairly small coin.
Reference: Sear-4845 variety
Grade: aVF
Obverse: Head of Aphrodite right.
Reverse: Bull's head facing, with KNI above and a magistrates name starting with AGH to the left and below,
but the last part of the name is off the flan.
# 2012