Virgin and Child Calgary Coin Gallery
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Coin Clubs

American Numismatic Association

The American Numismatic Association. Probably the largest numismatic society in the world.

Calgary Numismatic Society

Calgary Coin Club with regular monthly meetings.


The Internet network designed for those interested in coins, tokens, paper money and related numismatic material.


A coin club in Edmonton, Alberta. They provide a list of links to other numismatic societies.

Swedish Numismatic Society

The oldest numismatic society in Scandinavia.

Royal Numismatic Society

Royal Numismatic Society. Founded in 1836, this is Britain's most prestigious numismatic society.

Classical and Medieval Numismatic Society

Classical and Medieval Numismatic Society (CMNS) is a non-profit educational society. The Society's prime objective is the study, research and publication of information, and to further the education of its members, regardless of their level of knowledge.

Atlantic Provinces Numismatic Association

The Atlantic Provinces Numismatic Association, more commonly known as APNA, has been active in Halifax, Nova Scotia, and around the Atlantic Provinces, since May 8, 1965. They aim to assist in the formation of new clubs, to help fledgling clubs, to promote Numismatics generally and to encourage good fellowship among its members. This is a very nice site!!

Royal Numismatic Society of New Zealand.

In Wellington, New Zealand. Meeting the last Tuesday of each month.

World wide Holey Coins Collectors Club

A great site for all those collectors interested in coins struck with holes in them.

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